It was a fairly uneventful day on the road today. Got started around noon after a lunch of Raising Cane's.
Gram posed quite the riddle to me today. She asked "have you talked to Nealy since the last time you talked to her?" My head is still spinning.
Let me introduce you to your new favorite song - Matt & Kim's "Cameras."
Credit where credit is due - Micah told me about Cameras. But, I'm pretty sure I'm the one who told him about Matt & Kim back in the day, so ... the student has become the teacher?
Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, I haven't had a chance to hear the entire album yet. Can't wait to hear it!
Before leaving Monroe this afternoon, Gram and I wandered over to the Books-A-Million nextdoor to Walmart to look for a cd Gram's been wanting.
I've been in a few Books-A-Millions and it seems to me that they do carry cds, right? This one had none! That was a disappointment. But what was even worse was the bathroom.
Gram was perusing the books and I had some business to take care of. I went to the restroom and headed toward the stall. The restroom was long and narrow. The stall had only one modular wall; the other three walls were actually a part of the building. Upon opening the door, I could tell immediately that something was off. The toilet was facing the door. They could've put it on any of the three walls, but they chose to put it on the one that faced the stall door ...
Upon sitting down, I realized to my great chagrin that this could be awkward. There was a post that held up the door on one side and a wall segment on the other. The gap between the post and the wall segment lined up perfectly withe the center of the toilet ... and it was just about an inch wide ...
Now I wasn't too concerned about someone taking a sneaky peak. But, when the first guy walked into the bathroom, I realized that I could make eye contact with anyone who walked into the bathroom! This was pretty, pretty crazy. So crazy, in fact, that the second guy who came into the bathroom promptly turned around and made a hasty exit.
That's a lot of intimacy to have all at once with a complete stranger! Eye contact ... man alive ... Don't think I've made eye contact with someone during my morning constitutional since I was three years old!
We're in Terrel, Texas at another Walmart tonight. The parking lot security guy has cirlced our convoy several times now. I'm about ready to go out and tell him to knock it off.
Sorry about the lack of pictures. My netbook is out of juice and I'm having to use the company laptop, which doesn't have an sd card slot
Easy, tiger. Easy. Don't make me sweep the leg!
Go ahead and try it - I've already cast a spell of ultimate leg protection! Huttah!
So I'm catching up on some old posts this morning. I have to say, this is one post where the lack of relevant pictures didn't bother me at all.
Hahaha! I deserved that, I suppose :)
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